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Naomi and Reeta Page 4
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Hearing this, Naomi knows she should be wary, and maybe feel guilty about the growing connection she feels with this woman.
When they get to the grounds of Arteles, Naomi notices that the weather is getting colder. There’s a chill in the fall air that reminds Naomi of the atmosphere just before a snowfall.
Reeta takes Naomi’s hand as they walk toward the back part of the center grounds. As before, Naomi feels a warm pulsing from beneath Reeta’s skin. It makes Naomi think almost of an animal—the feel of a cat or dog’s paw. But that’s ridiculous.
Aloud, she asks, “Are we expecting snow here soon? I think it’s snowing now in Beckley, where I’m from. Or least it’s expected by midweek. My—Cat—mentioned it on the phone.”
Reeta laughs. “Your pet cat talks to you on the phone? I must be misunderstanding, Winter Fox.”
Naomi flushes, both from embarrassment and guilt. “No—I do have cats, but it was my—friend—I meant. Her name is Cat.” She takes a deep breath and plunges in. “Cat lives with me. Actually, we’ve been together for quite a while. I shouldn’t even be—seeing you, really.”
By this time, they are at the small building that holds the hand-built sauna used by the center residents. Naomi has never been in it, flatly refusing to sit around naked with people she’s only known for a few weeks. She realizes now that Reeta still holds her hand, and is gently pulling her into the door of the small brick building.
She hears Reeta’s voice close to her ear, “Naomi. What is “should”? Only a word we use to shut out opportunities. Take this time to be with me—you won’t regret it.”
Before Naomi can answer—or even think—Reeta adds, “And your Cat need never know. I want to hold you in my arms…”
At this, Naomi feels herself melting into the moment, not caring at all about what’s happening at home in West Virginia, or about anything but the earthy smell of Reeta’s skin as they embrace just inside the sauna entrance. There’s a pile of towels on a shelf near the door, and both women have the same idea to use those to create a soft space on the wooden deck of the sauna.
In only a few moments, this white terrycloth bed is the scene of two naked women lost in each other’s touch. Though someone looking on would see two very different skin colors mingled together, Naomi feels completely joined with Reeta’s gentle touch on her neck, her arms, and then her breasts. She leans back into the towel pallet and lets her feelings flow under Reeta’s exploring fingers.
Suddenly, Reeta stops, and Naomi freezes. What’s happened? Did she do something wrong?
Opening her eyes, Naomi sees Reeta holding in one hand the silver amulet that Naomi failed to remove with her shirt.
“Silver. You wear silver, Naomi.”
Naomi sits up in confusion. Reeta lets the piece of jewelry fall from her hand, and Naomi immediately puts her own hand around it protectively.
“This is my favorite. I got it on a trip to New Mexico. It was made by native Americans of the Hopi tribe.”
Reeta smiles gently and caresses Naomi’s face. “It’s beautiful. And you know I, too, am a part of what we call ‘First Nations’ people. It’s just…for some of us…silver is—how can I explain? It is a bad omen.”
Naomi doesn’t understand, but she would do anything to avoid offending this lovely, sensual creature in the beginning stage of passion.
“I understand. I’ll take it off.” She does so, tucking the necklace in the pocket of her discarded jeans. Having done so, she scrambles back onto the makeshift bed, eager to return to the luxurious feeling of touching and being touched by this mysterious and beautiful Laplander.
Chapter 8: Rendezvous Plans
By the time the two become aware of their surroundings, it’s dark outside and a light snow is falling. Naomi is the first to come back down to earth from the trance of newly discovered lovemaking.
“Reeta,” she whispers into her lover’s neck, “we need to go. People usually come out here to fire up the sauna about this time…”
Reeta whispers back, her lips grazing Naomi’s ear sensuously, “I know. We have to find our clothing in the darkness…”
Naomi sits up and peers around the small dark chamber. “The place is tiny—how hard can it be? I’m pretty sure mine are over by the entrance.”
Naomi gropes in the dark and finds her top and underpants. Well, that’s a start. She keeps listening for someone approaching the building. Luckily, her housemates are usually pretty loud and would surely announce their coming.
Reeta finds her own clothing, and Naomi’s jeans. “Winter Fox. I have your trousers. Come back to the deck and dress.”
Both women quickly scramble into their clothing, gather the pile of towels, and put the top towels in the dirty basket, then fold the others and replace them on the shelves.
Reeta takes Naomi’s hand and pulls her close for one final kiss. Then the two head back toward the main building and Naomi’s room, trying to appear casual and friendly.
** * * *
As they enter the back door to the center, Reeta releases Naomi’s hand after giving her a quick grin and a wink. Naomi, greeting Lianna and Sandy in the main room, has a delicious sense of keeping a secret.
Naomi greets her friends by reintroducing Reeta. “Hey guys. Remember Reeta from the communal dinner a while back? She wanted to see more of the outdoor part of the center.”
Sandy and Lianna both look a bit confused at this. What was there to see but some ordinary trees and the sauna? Which they both knew was not something Naomi liked.
Naomi sees their expressions and attempts to retrieve a sensible story.
“I mean—we met in town for pizza, and I offered Reeta a glass of wine before she heads back to Tampere.”
Before either of Naomi’s friends can respond, Reeta nods her head in agreement and follows Naomi into the main kitchen. Naomi grabs a bottle of Chianti she had stashed in the cupboard and pours them both a glass.
Leaning against the porcelain counter top, the two women stole a glance at each other and then dissolve into laughter. The after-glow of lovemaking has now transformed into nervous hilarity.
Eventually, the laughter fades, and Naomi motions for Reeta to join her at the small wooden breakfast table. Looking across the table at each other, Reeta once again grows serious.
“Winter Fox. I loved being with you—making love with you. I hope you feel the same…”
Naomi feels torn between returning Reeta’s ardor and downplaying what just happened for Cat’s sake. But Cat is far across the ocean right now, and Reeta is right here. Naomi can feel the heat emanating from her friend’s glowing olive skin.
“Reeta—you must know how I feel—how I felt being with you. But…the time is coming when I have to go home. Have you thought of that?”
At this statement, Reeta is quiet. Both women look out the window by the table, watching the ever-increasing snow fluttering down on the landscape.
Reeta turns back to face Naomi, taking one hand in hers. “Do you trust me, Winter Fox?”
Naomi has a sudden profound feeling that she should not do so. But Reeta’s black eyes and sultry smile draw her in. Naomi nods in solemn silence.
“Here’s an idea—a possible plan. I have a friend who has offered me his cabin to the north, near Parkano. This is not nearly as far north as my home, but far enough to have a rural Finnish adventure. My friend offers it to us for a weekend at no cost, and I will bring food and extra blankets. Will you bring wine—or whatever you want to drink? There is plenty of firewood already there.”
Naomi has a moment of hesitation at the rather primitive sound of the cabin’s facilities. But her apprehensions are overruled by the idea of an entire weekend with Reeta, especially with the knowledge that departure time is drawing nearer by the day. Having just discovered the new territory of this woman’s body, Naomi knows she will say yes before the words are even out of her mouth.
Reeta smiles hugely. “Wonderful! I promise you will have an adventure to reme
mber. We will leave day after tomorrow? Will that suit you? I don’t want to disturb your work…”
Work is absolutely the last thing on Naomi’s mind at this exact moment. Filling her thoughts is a mental picture of herself and Reeta, secluded in a cabin, making love on a blanket in front of a cozy fire while the snow falls gently outside the cabin window.
The touch of Reeta’s hand on hers snaps Naomi back to the present.
“Oh, yes. I mean—no, my work here is nearly done. A couple of days away won’t hurt at all.”
Reeta squeezes Naomi’s hand. “Excellent! I will bring everything not provided in my friend’s cabin, and pick you up here in the early afternoon. Day after tomorrow. But now, I need to get back, and you need to tend to your friends and your work.” At that, Reeta stands and heads toward the front entrance.
Naomi stands, too, but seems rooted to the spot. In silence, her eyes follow Reeta’s retreating figure. At the front door, Reeta turns to blow a kiss, then disappears into the snowy evening.
Naomi heads straight to her room, not wanting to tarnish the moment with casual conversation and explanations.
Once in her own room, Naomi sheds her clothes and puts on pajama pants and a T-shirt. As she tosses her jeans in the hamper, she remembers her favorite silver necklace tucked in one pocket. Holding the charm in her hand, Naomi thinks about the reason it’s there—Reeta’s request to have it off Naomi’s neck—a “bad omen” she had said. Odd. What negative power can silver possibly have?
Chapter 9: Finnish Wilderness
On Tuesday morning, Naomi is totally packed and ready when Reeta pulls into the Arteles parking lot. At least, she’s ready in a practical sense—dressed for the cold and with a suitcase full of warm clothes and bottles of wine. Ready for what might happen with Reeta? Not so confident.
Naomi is waiting outside when Reeta parks her Citroen and steps out, grinning at Naomi and looking wide awake and eager to get going.
“Good morning, Winter Fox! We are off on an adventure. Only about forty-five minutes north and we will be outside the civilized world of Southern Finland. Are you ready?”
Naomi smiles at Reeta’s bright red and yellow striped sweater, thinking she looks a bit like a flustered bumblebee. But adorable too, as always.
Together they load Naomi’s gear into the tiny vehicle, then head out onto the main road. Naomi has just an instant of fear, wondering if this trip is as safe as she assumes it is. But looking over at Reeta’s face in the driver’s seat, Naomi tells herself she’s being foolish and letting her imagination overcome her common sense. After all, she’s been in Reeta’s apartment, eaten the food she cooked, and been intimate with the woman with nothing but pleasure resulting.
Moving along the highway north, Reeta offers a bit of background on the area and the town where the cabin is located. Apparently, in spite of the small size of Parkano, there are parks and restaurants and several hotels. The cabin is outside the main town in some private woods owned by Reeta’s friend’s family.
As they get further from Hameenkyro, Naomi begins to relax a bit. Why not? What could happen? She has her phone, and they’re only about an hour from Arteles. And why is she even justifying the safety of this venture? She chastises herself for being suspicious.
The snow continues to fall around the moving vehicle, a solid white blanket forming on the ground. Naomi sees the landscape as the perfect backdrop for a romantic stay in a rustic cabin. She glances over at Reeta, who seems to be intently focused on the road.
Suddenly, Naomi’s attention is drawn to a flash of white across the light blue sky.
“Look, Reeta! An owl—isn’t he magnificent? I’ve never seen a snowy owl except in a zoo. I wish we could stop and find him…”
“Yes, owls are fascinating creatures. The myth of wisdom is not only a myth.”
Naomi warms up to the topic of native fauna. “What other animals might we see along the way? I’d love to get some pictures.”
A flash of some unknown emotion crosses Reeta’s lovely face. Naomi, closely attuned to her lover’s emotions, wonders what’s on her mind.
“You may see reindeer, but perhaps not this far south. You will know if you see them. And gray wolves—although they are endangered. There are some around Parkano for sure.”
“Awesome! Wolves are so beautiful, in a wild sort of way.”
Reeta looks over at Naomi with a strange look on her face. “I am glad you see their beauty, Winter Fox.”
Naomi laughs self-consciously. “Not that I don’t find them frightening, but I have to admit they have a strange appeal. A kind of power that’s attractive.”
Reeta laughs, too. “Yes—power. It can be attractive.”
* * * *
When they pull up next to the cabin, Naomi is not disappointed. The building looks secure and well-kept, even covered in a blanket of snow. She knows it will be cold inside, but trusts her companion to warm it up—in more ways than one.
Reeta climbs out of the driver’s seat and immediately begins unloading the car. Within a short time, both women and all of their belongings are safely indoors. Looking around at her surroundings, Naomi is pleased to find modern furniture, interesting artwork, and a massive fireplace prepared with a stack of logs.
“Will you look at the bedroom, Naomi? In here.” And Reeta motions toward the back of the cabin. Naomi follows and sees a small bed with little other furniture in the room.
“Honestly, can’t we just stay together out here near the fire? I kind of like the ‘romantic fire’ idea…”
Reeta laughs pleasantly. “Me too. Sleeping by the fire it is.”
Before long, they’ve piled the blankets Reeta brought in the space in front of the fireplace.
Reeta makes a fire using the logs provided, and soon the small space is glowing with flickering light and beginning to warm up. The two women settle on the small sofa and snuggle together, sipping glasses of the cognac Naomi has contributed to the trip.
Naomi has a sudden impulse to ask Reeta about her work—after all, she herself tends to over share out of enthusiasm for her film projects, while Reeta has offered very little detail. Something about marketing connected to wildlife preservation.
“Reeta, I’m curious about the work you do. Something about preserving wildlife? Do you mind telling me more?”
Reeta gives her a strange look, as if this is an unusual request. Now that Naomi thinks about it, she knows very little about this woman at all. Lost a brother years ago, and is estranged from her family, presumably because of sexual orientation. Keeps a neat, clean apartment and cooks a delicious fish stew. And that’s it…
“My ancestors, my family, have always been…connected to the wildlife of Lapland. You might say it’s…in our blood. Beartu and I, and my cousins, were supposed to continue the family…effort. Without my brother, and with my family turning their backs on me, I decided to go to business school and help promote wildlife preservation from the more…civilized…direction. I now work for the Finnish Tourist Board, designing marketing campaigns to inform visitors about preserving our natural environment.”
“That’s so awesome, Reeta. I imagine your family is quite proud of your carrying on the tradition.”
Reeta smiles rather sadly. “Beartu would have been. And I did get a most welcome letter from my mummo—my grandmother—before she died. That letter is one of my most treasured possessions…”
Naomi attempts to lighten the mood, “Well, I think your work must be fascinating. Everyone should have work they believe in.” At that, Naomi snuggles up to Reeta, kissing her lightly on the ear. “And thank you for telling me.”
In answer, Reeta kisses Naomi gently on the mouth, lingering there for a delicious moment. “Winter Fox, I know I can seem secretive at times—I’m used to having things to hide. But I will try to be open with you. After all, what have I to lose?”
Naomi takes a sip of her drink, then sets both glasses deliberately on the side table. Smiling, she wraps her arms
around Reeta’s neck and loses herself in kissing and touching. Reeta returns her ardor, and time seems to drift away.
* * * *
Outside the tiny cabin, snow continues to fall, forming a think blanket on the level ground and piling into tall drifts over hills and valleys. Though the two women asleep in front of the fire are unaware, weather authorities are calling it the largest snowstorm in several years, especially reaching as far south as Central Finland. People are being urged to stay indoors and be prepared for power outages.
Naomi, oblivious to these developments, awakens in the dark of the cabin, where the fire has died down to glowing embers and crackling sticks. In the twilight of the cabin, she wraps a blanket around her naked body and goes to the window.
Snow is still falling, but it seems to be coming down more lightly. Still, the wind is blustery, driving swirls of snow into new drifts and formations. Naomi thinks of the calm and gentle snows they know in West Virginia—usually just enough to build a snowman. Only once, when Naomi was little and her family lived higher in the mountains, had they actually been snowed in. Snowed in! Is this what’s happening?
Naomi wraps her blanket more tightly around her, aware that the cabin’s warmth seems to be seeping away. She returns to where Reeta lies wrapped in a thick comforter. Reeta wakes when Naomi sits next to her.
“Naomi? We must have fallen asleep here. Are you okay?” She pulls Naomi down next to her.
“Sure. I mean, I’m fine, but…it’s still snowing. Like a regular snowstorm. Could we get stuck here? Snowed in?”
Reeta puts an arm, warm from inside the comforter, around Naomi, and draws her close. “Are you…afraid to be here with me, Winter Fox? Please don’t be. You are safe, I promise.”
Afraid? Why would I be afraid of her? Is there some reason I don’t know about?
Aloud, Naomi says quietly, “Of course not—never afraid of you. Just worried about getting back to Hameenkyro, the power being out, the car not working, people worrying about where we—I—am.”