If You Can't Stand the Heat Read online

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  Back at their station, Kayla found it hard not to look around for Jane’s pink hair. She forced herself to focus on Reese and the progress of their entry.

  “Hey, babe. How’s it going?”

  “Hard to guess,” answered Reese. “Lots of tasters, but most of them seem to be tossing their bowl after they’ve crossed the room.”

  Kayla swallowed the urge to say, Well, yeah—they can’t stand the heat! Instead, she smiled at Reese and patted her arm. Then she checked again for Jane. Kayla felt guilty, and she hadn’t even done anything but be friendly…

  * * * *

  Soon Reese said that she was taking a break—Kayla knew her partner sometimes needed a quiet moment in a crowd situation. Reese squeezed Kayla’s shoulder and slipped out of the booth and then out of the room. Kayla took over the booth, which didn’t require much effort. Not surprising, the word had spread that their particular chili was blazing hot, and not in a good way.

  While Reese was out, Andres stopped by and offered sympathy for Kayla’s task of serving the hellish chili. As soon as he moved on, Jane appeared.

  Kayla felt herself blushing as she greeted the attractive woman. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling flirtatiously. Yes, she felt guilty—but also excited. Jane was definitely interesting, and had an artsy, bohemian look that Kayla had always found appealing. And very different from Reese…

  Chapter 6: A Shot of Steam

  Jane flipped her pink waves over her shoulder and smiled at Kayla.

  “So where’s your other half?” she questioned. Kayla noticed that Jane’s multi-colored tank top showed the top of very nice breasts. Not something she usually focused on, but…

  “Um, I don’t know. I mean—she’s taking a break outside.”

  “Well, I can’t say I’m disappointed about finding you alone. I wanted to check out your chili entry. May I?”

  “Of course.” And Kayla handed Jane one of the tiny bowls. “Just so you know,” she offered, “It isn’t that good really. It fact, it basically sucks. Way too hot.”

  Jane bravely tried a small spoonful, then coughed a little and swallowed. Raising her eyebrows, she laughed along with Kayla.

  “No shit! Are you trying to kill people?”

  “I told you.” Kayla felt defensive. “Reese made it. This wasn’t the recipe I wanted to use, but…” She shrugged helplessly.

  Jane put down her chili bowl, answering, “You don’t strike me as the type to give in easily. I’m thinking you generally get whatever you really want.” At that, Jane touched Kayla’s arm across the table, just for an instant.

  And it was at that instant that Reese returned, taking her place next to Kayla.

  She looked at Jane curiously. Kayla blushed crimson, although she kept telling herself she hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Hey, babe,” Kayla greeted Reese. “This is Jane, a chili connoisseur.”

  Reese seemed to take this seriously. “Are you one of the judges?”

  Jane laughed. “No, definitely not. Just someone who likes good food and competition. And I’m new in town, so I wanted to meet some of the community.”

  Kayla took note—this bit of info basically confirmed that Jane was gay, and that she was out to meet new people.

  Hearing that Jane wasn’t a judge, Reese changed her demeanor and basically dismissed her. Kayla, on the other hand, was more attracted than ever. Jane seemed to realize that Kayla was interested, but tied to the chili station for the moment. And watched over by her partner.

  * * * *

  The cook-off was scheduled to end at noon. By 11:30, Reese and Kayla both realized they had very little chance of winning the cook-off. The most popular entries seemed to be the older woman’s offering and the vegan version. Kayla said nothing, not wanting to annoy Reese. Besides, most of her brain was focused on thinking about Jane and her fascinating wavy hair.

  The judges had come around at about 11:00 and tasted all the entries without expression. The results were set to be announced at 12:15. Reese, looking a bit forlorn, started packing up and storing the remaining chili. Kayla looked around to see whether Jane was still there.

  She was. When Reese carried the container of leftover chili out to the car, Kayla took the opportunity to walk over to where Jane stood, reading the contents of the center bulletin board.


  “Hey, yourself,” said Jane, turning to face Kayla. “Glad you’re still here.” And then, “Care to show me around the center?”

  Kayla gave one glance back toward their chili station—Reese was nowhere in sight. “Sure.” And she headed toward the movie room. Jane followed.

  At the door of the movie room, the two women stopped in the doorway. Kayla thought that she should turn the light on, but she didn’t. Jane moved closer to her, pressing her arm up against Kayla’s side.

  Kayla felt like her voice belonged to someone else. “We have the Lesbian Movie Night here. On Wednesdays…”

  Jane spoke close to Kayla’s ear, “Maybe I’ll come.” Kayla shocked herself by hearing a sexual connotation in this remark.

  “Okay,” said Kayla. “Come on this way.” And she walked toward the center’s kitchen.

  There was no one in the kitchen. Jane and Kayla again stood in the doorway—this time in silence. Kayla could not keep herself from lightly touching Jane’s hair. Jane leaned her head back so that Kayla’s hand felt the pressure. The silence of the dark kitchen seemed to throb in tension.

  “Thank you, Kayla,” whispered Jane. “I think I’ll like this Pride Center. And I know I like you.”

  Kayla couldn’t think of anything remotely sensible to say. So she turned to face Jane—and kissed her. Jane did not seem the least bit surprised. She kissed Kayla back, and they remained for a moment locked in an embrace. Kayla felt the other woman’s arms go around her waist, and then move down to her behind. She felt a pulse of desire start between her legs.

  At that, she moved away—only a few inches, but it broke the moment. Jane backed away a bit, too.

  “Hey—I didn’t mean to move too fast.”

  “Yeah—me either. You know about Reese…”

  “Of course. But I do feel a definite connection. And I think you feel the same.”

  Kayla moved out into the hallway, feeling guilty and frightened by her own attraction.

  “I need to get back. Reese is probably ready to go by now…”

  Jane took Kayla’s hand and squeezed it. “Well, thanks for the tour. I’m sure I’ll see you sometime here at the center.”

  Kayla returned the hand pressure and smiled. Then, without a word, she slipped away and returned to her chili station to find Reese. The feel of Jane’s lips, and the pulsing heat they had started, lingered in her mind.

  Chapter 7: A Hint of Trouble

  The results were announced. Most of the crowd had left, so it was the competitors themselves and a few stragglers who heard the news. The winner was the older hippie woman; everyone clapped and cheered and she thanked the judges profusely. Jan and Sharla came in second. They gave a small cheer for themselves and shared a celebratory kiss.

  Reese and Kayla’s entry came in last. Dead last. Reese looked super disappointed but resigned. She politely thanked the judges and said the whole thing was fun anyway. Kayla thought, I told you—told you so. How humiliating—and in front of Jane…

  Jane still remained, congratulating the winner and asking whether recipes would be available. When Kayla caught her eye across the room, Jane winked. Kayla had no idea whether Reese had noticed, but Kayla gave a little wave back at Jane.

  As they were packing up, Raina suggested that everyone gather at Sally’s Place to wind down from the competition. Reese eagerly accepted and told Kayla about the plan. Kayla was relieved they were putting the cook-off fail behind them and going to relax for a bit with friends. And maybe she could manage to put the encounter with Jane behind her, too.

  * * * *

  At Sally’s Place, Raina and Kat had already
commandeered a large table near the back. Jan was up at the bar getting beer. Reese and Kayla claimed seats and looked at the list of the day’s craft beer offerings.

  While they were still deciding, the two young vegan girls from the cook-off came in. Kayla stared at the person coming in behind them: Jane! What the heck? She feared it would be difficult to stay out of trouble.

  Luckily, Jane and the two girls, named Brooke and Hannah, ended up closer to Raina and Kat. Kayla took a deep breath and tried to be casual.

  “Hi, ladies. I’m Kayla. I tasted your chili, but you probably don’t remember me…” Just then, Reese returned with two pints. “This is my partner Reese.”

  Reese put down the beers and shook hands with each of the new girls and with Jane. “Welcome to Sally’s. Been here before?”

  Brooke and Hannah nodded. Jane spoke up, “Not me—new in town. The chili cook-off was my first chance to see the Pride Center.” Kayla felt her cheeks flush, remembering that tour of the center.

  Once everyone had drinks—mostly beer except for Jane, who ordered a glass of wine that seemed coordinated with the color of her hair—talk turned to events at the Pride Center. Pride Month was drawing closer, and most of the women gathered had some part to play.

  It came out that Jane was an artist, and Sharla suggested she get involved. Last year’s float had been a bit make-shift, they all agreed. A “real artist” would be a great benefit. Jane said she would think about it, but probably—yes. Then she moved to the empty chair by Kayla, who was quite conscious of Reese sitting on her other side.

  “Hey,” said Jane quietly. “Are you involved in this Pride Month thing? Maybe we could work together.”

  Reese must have heard this, as she now addressed Jane loudly. “Yeah, Kayla and I usually work on the posters that members walking with the float carry. We’ve done it for years.”

  Jane did not seem daunted at all. “Cool. So let me check my schedule and I’ll get back to you on when we can get together. I’d love to help.”

  Again, Kayla felt herself blushing. She couldn’t imagine feeling as she did about Jane and inviting her over to the apartment to make posters. Shit! Kayla felt a bit dizzy, like she was ready to step into the front seat of a roller-coaster.

  Reese, who had clearly not intended to invite Jane to help them, looked taken-aback. She frowned at Jane and then at the room in general.

  Jan spoke up, “You okay, Reesie? You look a bit disgruntled or something.”

  Reese smiled a sort of grimace. “No, I’m fine, Jan—just tired from today’s event, I guess.”

  Kayla ignored this remark—in fact, she didn’t seem to have even heard it. She and Jane were getting up from the table and headed to the Ladies. Nothing unusual in two women needing to pee at the same time…

  As the restroom door closed behind the two, Kayla saw their faces in the tiny mirror over the sink. They both looked flushed, as if they had both been thinking about the other’s body. As if they were in bed.

  Jane winked at Kayla and said, “You can go first.”

  Kayla was relieved—maybe they really did just both have to pee.

  But after she had used the toilet and washed her hands, Jane embraced her, just like at the center earlier. Only this time, the kissing seemed to happen naturally—and more passionately.

  Finally, Kayla broke away and ran a hand through her short, dark hair. “Hey, I can’t do this. As much as I like it. It’s—complicated with Reese. She wouldn’t take me cheating lightly, if you know what I mean.”

  Jane whispered, “But we haven’t really done anything—yet.” And she kissed Kayla lightly one more time. Jane then handed her a scrap of paper. “Here’s my phone number. Call me—about the posters. Right?”

  Kayla nodded and said, “So we’d better get back.”

  They emerged from the restroom to find Raina there with a questioning look on her face. Jane laughed it off. Kayla scurried back to her spot, determined to leave with Reese happy. She felt the scrap of paper in her pocket and smiled.

  Chapter 8: Poster Plans

  After Reese had gone to bed, Kayla took out the scrap of paper Jane had given her. As she thought about their earlier encounter, it seemed almost as if heat rose up from the bit of paper. She also noticed that Jane had included her email address. Kayla thought about this. For her, email was usually a lot less stressful than a phone call. Not that she actually planned to see Jane…

  Of course, there was the poster thing for the Pride Parade. That was a legitimate reason for Jane to come over—to make their usual dull posters more artistic. Kayla went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine to relax her for sleep and then curled up in the living room. Alvin shoved himself up onto the couch and put his head on Kayla’s feet.

  In the quiet of the darkened room, it was easy for Kayla to picture Jane’s pretty face, her amazing hair, and her soft, full lips. At that moment, it seemed like a totally reasonable idea to get Jane to help add color and excitement to the Pride Parade posters. And it also seemed appropriate to email her tomorrow to arrange a painting day.

  Having decided this, Kayla soon became sleepy. It had been a long day. Kayla kissed Alvin on the head and headed for the bedroom.

  * * * *

  The next day, an email to Jane was topmost in Kayla’s mind. Yet she wanted to wait for the most relaxed opportunity—not in the apartment when Reese might be around. Although, of course, the email was technically about making posters for the Pride Center, Kayla was quite aware that her interest in Jane went beyond that. And that Reese at least suspected as much. The idea of spending a whole afternoon watching that pretty, expressive face and listening to that clear, tinkling voice struck Kayla as pure joy.

  Shortly after her lunch break, Kayla had an open hour in her counseling schedule. What luck! She went into her office and closed the door halfway, then started working diligently on a report she needed to write. If the other staff thought she was busy with work, maybe they would leave her alone for a bit.

  This was the email she composed:

  Hi, Jane—

  This is Kayla—the girl with the losing chili, remember? Pride Month and the parade will be coming up soon. Would you have an afternoon to help add some color and excitement to our usual posters? Any Saturday or Sunday afternoon should work out for us. Give me a call: 214-555-9088.

  Cheers, Kayla

  Before she hit send, Kayla looked the message over carefully. She felt a bit guilty about using “us,” knowing that Reese had no wish to include the woman in their annual poster project. But Reese hadn’t exactly said “no”…

  Ultimately, Kayla couldn’t stand any more indecision about the issue. She took a deep breath and hit send.

  Her next appointment was a young girl who wanted to be an engineer, but was struggling with college algebra. Kayla gave her the usual cautions, and suggested some other options that might work for her ultimate career choice. After the girl had left Kayla’s office with a smile on her face and some brochures in hand, Kayla checked her email. Jane had answered:

  Hey, Girl!

  I was hoping to hear from you, and of course I remember those amazing grey eyes and…well…other parts that caught my attention.

  I’m happy to meet up for poster painting—this Sunday is cool—about 2:00? Text me.

  Jane (followed by a winking emoji)

  Kayla smiled and blushed. She prayed she could get away with the up-coming afternoon without annoying Reese or going too far with Jane. She felt caught on a tightrope, trying to keep balance and not fall to disaster.

  * * * *

  Sunday morning dawned clear and sunny. Reese and Kayla had breakfast together, watching Meet the Press. As Reese was doing the dishes, she called into the living room to Kayla, “K—I hate to tell you this.”

  Kayla looked over toward Reese. “What’s up, babe?”

  “I need to go help Raina and Kat move some of their furniture this afternoon. I didn’t tell you, because I didn’t want you to volunteer
. I know you hate shit like that—especially in the heat.”

  Kayla felt her heart pounding. She would be alone with Jane now, and not through any effort of her own. She was also thankful that Reese wasn’t suspicious of Jane’s attraction to Kayla.

  “No worries, babe. Thanks for not including me. Jane’s coming over anyway, remember?”

  Reese looked surprised for an instant, and then recovered her composure. “Of course, K. I’ll cut my project short as soon as I can. All the poster stuff is in the utility room; you know what we usually do, and I’m hoping Jane can add some spice.”

  Weird—she’s almost too laid-back about it.

  When Reese had finished cleaning up, she threw on some sweatpants and a T-shirt and headed out to help Raina and Kat. Kayla knew Raina lived out in the country, almost twenty miles away from town.

  After Reese left, Kayla took a shower and got dressed in the most attractive dress-down clothes she could come up with. She didn’t want Jane (or Reese) to think there was anything out of the ordinary about this particular poster session. Then she called Jane.

  “Hey. Come on over whenever you’re ready. I have all the supplies. Plus refreshments.”

  Jane responded positively, and Kayla felt like she could see her smile on the other end of the phone.

  Chapter 9: Brownies and Wine

  Jane showed up about an hour after the phone call. When Kayla opened the apartment door, there stood Jane, wearing khaki pants and a pink blouse a few shades darker than her hair. The hair itself was pulled back in a braid. Over one shoulder she carried a large canvas bag. In her hands, Jane carried a pan of something, which she held out for Kayla to take.

  “Brownies,” Jane said. “For later.”

  At this point Moto and Alvin came to check out the smell of Jane’s legs.

  Kayla smiled and said, “Thanks so much—how sweet. I’m sure they’re delicious. Should I put them in the fridge?”